50 Best Brand Videos



A set of customised brand videos for 50 Best, tailored for their Bars and Restaurants brands.

Created as an introduction to the 50 Best Bars and Restaurants events and for boosting the brand's identity online. A variation of each video was created to suit the regional event in which it was being shown.

about this project

What I enjoy most about creating brand videos is combining a selection of footage with snappy motion design, finding the right balance to engage the audience and convey key messaging at the same time.

My task was to storyboard, design and animate the elements, as well as edit the provided footage into an engaging story.


Whether you're in a crowded room or a busy online environment, video is the best medium to grab attention, to convey key information and to raise awareness about who you are and what you do.

In these three brand videos (from the top: The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2024 location announcement; followed by North America's 50 Best Bars 2023; below for Middle East & North America's 50 Best Restaurants 2023), different styles were adopted to fit brand guidelines, and to convey the essence of the brands to the audiences. Variations of footage and text style were included for the other 50 Best brands, dependant on region.

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